



植根流通业 沟通上下游



2024-09-19 06:44:45








  Good afternoon, my colleagues and I remain squarely focused on achieving our dual mandate goals of maximum employment and stable prices for the benefit of the American people.


  Our economy is strong overall and has made significant progress toward our goals. Over the past two years, the labor market has cooled from its formerly overheated state. Inflation has eased substantially from a peak of 7% to an estimated 2.2% as of August, we‘re committed to maintaining our economy’s strength by supporting maximum employment and returning inflation to our 2% goal.


  Today, the Federal Open Market Committee decided to reduce the degree of policy restraint by lowering our policy interest rate by a half percentage point. This decision reflects our growing confidence that with an appropriate recalibration of our policy stance, strength in the labor market can be maintained in a context of moderate growth and inflation moving sustainably down to 2%. We also decided to continue to reduce our securities holdings. I will have more to say about monetary policy after briefly reviewing economic developments.

  Recent indicators suggest that economic activity has continued to expand at a solid pace. GDP rose at an annual rate of 2.2% in the first half of the year, and available data point to a roughly similar pace of growth this quarter. Growth of consumer spending has remained resilient, and investment in equipment and intangibles has picked up from its anemic pace last year. In the housing sector, investment fell back in the second quarter after rising str ongly in the first. Improving supply conditions have supported resilient demand in the strong performance of the US economy over the past year. In our summary of economic projections, Committee participants generally expect GDP growth to remain solid, with a median projection of 2% over the next few years.


  In the labor market, conditions have continued to cool. Payroll job gains averaged 116,000 per month over the past three months, a notable step down from the pace seen earlier in the year. The unemployment rate has moved up, but remains low at 4.2%. Nominal wage growth has eased over the past year, and the jobs to workers gap has narrowed overall. A broad set of indicators suggest that conditions in the labor market are now less tight than just before the pandemic in 2019.  The labor market is not a source of elevated in inflationary pressures. The median projection for the unemployment rate in the SEP is 4.4% at the end of this year, four tenths higher than projected in June.


  Inflation has eased notably over the past two years, but remains above our longer run goal of 2%. Estimates based on the consumer price index and other data indicate that total PCE prices rose 2.2% over the 12 months, ending in August, and that excluding the volatile food and energy categories, core PCE prices rose 2.7%. Longer term inflation expectations appear to remain well anchored, as reflected in a broad range of surveys of households, businesses and forecasters, as well as measures from financial markets. The median projection in the SEP for total PCE inflation is 2.3% this year and 2.1% next year, somewhat lower than projected in June. Thereafter. The median projection is 2%.


  Our monetary policy actions are guided by our dual mandate to promote maximum employment and stable prices for the American people. For much of the past three years, inflation ran well above our 2% goal, and labor market conditions were extremely tight. Our primary focus had been on bringing down inflation, and appropriately so, we are acutely aware that high inflation imposes significant hardship as it erodes purchasing power, especially for those least able to meet the higher costs of essentials like food, housing and transportation. Our restrictive monetary policy has helped restore the balance between aggregate supply and demand, easing inflationary pressures and ensuring that inflation expectations remain well anchored.

  Our patient approach over the past year has paid dividends. Inflation is now much closer to our objective, and we have gained greater confidence that inflation is moving sustainably toward 2% . As inflation has declined, the labor market has cooled, the upside risks to inflation have diminished and the downside risks to employment have increased. We now see the risks to achieving our employment and inflation goals as roughly in balance, and we are attentive to the risks to both sides of our dual mandate in light of the progress on inflation in the balance of risks.

  At today‘s meeting, the committee decided to lower the target range for the federal funds rate by a half percentage point to four and three quarters percent to 5%. This recalibration of our policy stance will help maintain the strength of the economy and the labor market, and will continue to enable further progress on inflation as we begin the process of moving toward a more neutral stance.


  We are not on any preset course. We will continue to make our decisions meeting by meeting. We know that reducing policy restraint too quickly could hinder progress on inflation. At the same time, reducing restraint too slowly could unduly weaken economic activity and employment. In considering additional adjustments to the target range for the federal funds rate, the Committee will carefully assess incoming data, the evolving outlook and the balance of risks.


  In our Sep FOMC, participants wrote down their individual assessments of an ap0propriate path for the federal funds rate based on what each participant judges to be the most likely scenario going forward, if the economy evolves as expected. The median participant projects that the appropriate level of the federal funds rate will be 4.4% at the end of This year and 3.4% at the end of 2025. These median projections are lower than in June, consistent with the projections for lower inflation and higher unemployment as well as the changed balance of risks.


  These projections, however, are not a committee plan or decision. As the economy evolves, monetary policy will adjust in order to best promote our maximum employment and price stability goals. If the economy remains solid and inflation persists, we can dial back policy restraint more slowly. If the labor market were to weaken unexpectedly, or inflation were to fall more quickly than anticipated, we are prepared to respond.


  Policy is well positioned to deal with the risks and uncertainties that we face in pursuing both sides of our dual mandate. The Fed has been assigned two goals for monetary policy, maximum employment and stable prices. We remain committed to supporting maximum employment, bringing inflation back down to our 2% goal, and keeping longer term inflation expectations well anchored. Our success in delivering on these goals matters to all Americans. We understand that our actions affect communities, families and businesses across the country. Everything we do is in service to our public mission. We at the Fed will do everything we can to achieve our maximum employment and price stability goals.



林惠婷(记者 赵文宏)09月19日,据广州日报消息,近日,小杨哥及三只羊旗下主播带货的“香港美诚月饼”被质疑虚假宣传。9月15日,涉事商家“美诚礼官方旗舰店”客服回复问询称,美诚品牌在香港注册,“品牌基因与研发团队均源自香港”。15日晚,花都区市场监管局向广州日报新花城记者最新回应指出,9月13日关注到该情况后,该局立即对涉事企业——广州市美诚食品有限公司进行了核查。针对公众关注的“是否在香港注册”“是否属于香港品牌”等问题,该企业提供了香港美诚食品集团有限公司在香港注册的商事登记资料,出具了香港美诚食品集团有限公司在香港注册“MEISUN”“美诚”“香港美诚月饼”商标的相关证明,同时也提供了该企业与香港美诚食品集团有限公司之间的商标使用授权等文件。针对是否涉及“虚假宣传”问题,因涉及面较广,涉事企业和带货公司(合肥三只羊网络科技有限公司)分属不同地域,跨地域核查需要协调多方属地监管部门,花都区市场监管局将加紧加快推进核查进度,依法依规处理,及时回应群众和媒体关注。相关新闻近期,包括小杨哥在内的多名头部主播带货的一款名为“美诚月饼”的产品遭到质疑。直播间宣传销售该品牌月饼时打“香港品牌”,实际其商标系去年在香港注册,而生产地在广东。(此前报道:多个网红主播带货,“香港美诚月饼”什么来头?)位于广州花都区狮岭镇的广州市美诚食品科技有限公司是美诚月饼的生产厂家。澎湃新闻记者 陈绪厚 图若一家企业在香港注册公司,然后在内地生产销售,其是否算“香港品牌”?安徽天禾律师事务所合伙人陈军律师深耕知识产权领域多年,是安徽省律协知识产权专业委员会主任。他接受澎湃新闻采访时认为,品牌的确立是基于产品的销售与推广活动。倘若在香港地区并无任何实质性的商业运营,而仅仅是持有注册商标,那么相关商品只能被认定为拥有香港注册商标的商品,而非“香港品牌”。陈军表示,鉴于内地消费者对中国香港或国际品牌存在一定的消费倾向,部分商家会利用此心理,委托第三方专业机构在香港以较低成本注册公司及商标。随后,在内地市场销售产品时,一些商家会以“香港品牌”作为营销手段,以此提升企业的盈利水平。陈军就其办理过的“套路商标”案件介绍说,在实际操作过程中,通常会遇到两种情况。第一种情况是,如近期“美诚月饼”事件受到质疑的,尽管经营活动均在内地进行,但由于在香港注册了商标,便声称自己是“香港品牌”。此类行为在一定程度上涉嫌虚假宣传,消费者和竞争者有权向市场监督管理部门进行举报,由执法机关依法进行查处。第二种情形涉及内地经营实体希望建立与内地某知名品牌的联系。然而,由于无法在内地成功注册相同的商标,以及在公司注册时无法使用与知名品牌相同的企业名称,这些实体转而利用香港企业登记的便利条件。在香港,注册资本无需实际缴纳和验资,经营范围和地址几乎没有限制,加之公司命名自由,可以使用“国际”、“集团”等令人印象深刻的词汇,甚至可以采用与内地知名品牌相同的字号。因此,这些实体在香港注册公司,并使用与内地知名品牌完全相同的公司名称。最终,他们在产品上贴上“香港某某公司监制”、“香港某某公司商标许可人”等标识,试图模糊与内地知名品牌之间的界限。“此类案件既涉及虚假宣传等不正当竞争行为,又涉及商标侵权问题。”陈军表示。对于商家把自己包装成“境外品牌”的情况,不少网友认为商家“钻了空子”。对此,陈军表示,针对前述两种情况,现行相关法律规定主要包括以下内容:(1)反不正当竞争法第八条规定,经营者不得对其商品的性能、功能、质量、销售状况、用户评价、曾获荣誉等进行虚假或引人误解的商业宣传,以欺骗或误导消费者。(2)商标法第五十八条明确指出,若将他人注册商标或未注册的驰名商标用作企业名称中的字号,误导公众,构成不正当竞争行为的,应依照反不正当竞争法予以处理。(3)消费者权益保护法第二十条规定,经营者向消费者提供有关商品或服务的质量、性能、用途、有效期限等信息时,必须保证信息的真实性和全面性,不得进行虚假或引人误解的宣传。澎湃新闻此前报道,疯狂小杨哥及其旗下主播前不久带货的一款“美诚月饼”引起外界关注,因在直播带货过程中,主播在介绍这款月饼时着重强调“香港”字眼,但这款月饼是不是香港传统品牌受到质疑。随后,便有媒体从生产企业方证实该款月饼产自广东,且目前在香港没有销售。澎湃新闻查询发现,美诚月饼的品牌运营方为广州市美诚食品有限公司(以下简称“广州美诚食品公司”),生产厂家为广州市美诚食品科技有限公司(以下简称“广州美诚科技公司”),均位于广州市花都区。两家公司自称,其母公司为香港美诚食品集团有限公司(以下简称“香港美诚集团公司”)。值得注意的是,广州美诚科技公司注册时间为2014年,香港美诚集团公司注册时间为2019年。香港美诚集团公司于2023年、2024年在香港注册了多个与月饼有关的含“美诚”字样、图样商标,其中,“香港美诚月饼”字样、图样的商标注册于2023年9月22日,差不多刚满一年。面对“美诚月饼在香港买不到”的质疑,澎湃新闻以消费者名义咨询美诚月饼的官方网店客服,其回复称,该品牌是在香港注册并拥有商标注册证书,在广州和佛山设立了营销中心和生产基地。当问及月饼是哪里的,客服回复称“广东的”。9月14日,根据工商登记地址,澎湃新闻记者探访广州市美诚食品有限公司,发现该地址处于空置状态。在广州市美诚食品科技有限公司门口,该公司一名工作人员回复澎湃新闻称,针对外界关心的美诚月饼是否在香港销售、线下是否有卖到200多元、其香港公司是不是空壳公司等问题,他们会记录下来,之后会统一回复。随后,澎湃新闻致电该公司一位负责人,其称当前太忙了,只能后面再和媒体沟通。不少网友认为,相关主播的带货话术会让消费者误以为美诚月饼是香港传统品牌,甚至产自香港,存在误导性。对此,有律师认为,若主播的带货话术给消费者造成误导,品牌虽注册于香港,但跟香港本地产品联系甚微,则涉嫌违反广告法的规定,有很大的误导性,可能构成虚假宣传,甚至涉嫌消费欺诈。澎湃新闻注意到,目前,美诚月饼的商家抖音账号已停止直播宣传产品,其账号仅有一个视频可见,其他视频疑被隐藏或删除。9月14日晚间,疯狂小杨哥并未像往常一样,在周六晚7点开播。目前,小杨哥抖音账号的橱窗已下架美诚月饼的相关产品。据红星新闻报道,针对该事件,广州市花都区市场监督管理局和抖音平台已介入调查。

林惠婷(记者 曾宛臻)09月19日,9月15日晚,2024香港小姐竞选决赛在香港举行。大热选手倪乐琳荣获冠军,亚军梁嘉莹同时也是本届最上镜小姐,季军杨梓瑶是“人气王”,她同时获得了才艺女神大奖、智囊百选女神两个奖项。亚军梁嘉莹、冠军倪乐琳、季军杨梓瑶(左起,下同)本届香港小姐主持、评委和嘉宾阵容由陈贝儿与麦美恩带领、何沛珈、陈懿德、庄子璇担任晚会主持;阔别港姐舞台超过20年的叶倩文回归,与多位后辈女歌手共同带来《一样的月光》《潇洒走一回》等歌曲串烧。本届香港小姐的舞台设计成华丽的图书馆模样,问答环节的问题大多围绕社会热议话题展开,更能展现佳丽的知识储备和反应能力。三位选手戴上桂冠合照冠军倪乐琳,撞脸不少明星,就读于香港城市大学的她被称为“城大李嘉欣”。面对“你配不上城大李嘉欣这个称号”的评论,倪乐琳情商极高,她说自己更想成为“城大倪乐琳”。倪乐琳自小学习弹琴、溜冰、芭蕾舞等,可谓多才多艺。冠军倪乐琳被指像明星李嘉欣亚军梁嘉莹在才艺表演环节带来了精彩的中国大鼓表演。在问答环节,当被问及如果让她与熊猫一同宣传香港,她会怎么做?她表示希望跟熊猫一起演粤剧,还想设计一套熊猫专属的粤剧服装。这一回答让台下的港姐评委、八和会馆永远会长汪明荃忍俊不禁。亚军梁嘉莹(左)在台上人气超强的季军杨梓瑶是当晚的奖项大赢家,在获得季军之前,已经拿下才艺女神大奖、智囊百选女神大奖两个奖项。杨梓瑶的爸爸是香港人,妈妈是河南人。杨梓瑶是北京电影学院三年级学生,梦想成为一位专业演员。在才艺表演环节,杨梓瑶带来京剧和扇舞表演,英姿飒爽。“人气王”杨梓瑶表演节目来源:广州日报


声明: 本文由入驻搜狐公众平台的作者撰写,除搜狐官方账号外,观点仅代表作者本人,不代表搜狐立场。



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